To get the most out of your body, you need to put the best into it.
And that’s what our Greatness Guide is all about. Here, you’ll find simple tips on how to make food and lifestyle choices that help fuel your greatness—game days, training days, travel days and every day!
Every Day
Sure, there are special things you need to do to fuel up and help your body recover on game days. But eating well, day after day, season after season, is what’s really key to winning. Here are some practical tips for making those healthier food choices, every day.
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Game Day
It’s game on and you’re ready to play. But while being mentally prepared is one thing, you need to be physically ready, too. Check out these tips on how to be at your best—before, during and after the game.
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On the Road
It can be tough enough to get the nutrition you need at home. But it’s even more challenging when the team is on the road. We’ve put together these suggestions on how to eat better (and snack better!) while you’re away, as well as staying fit and flexible when traveling.
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Stay Hydrated
Hey, the title says it all. It’s what you need to do to fuel your body for sport, as well as stay fit and healthy for life. And staying hydrated means much more than just drinking water—so we’re here to show you all the different ways you can get your hydration on.
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Strength & Recovery
Being physically strong is key no matter what you do. And because you’re always looking to meet or beat your best in your next game or competition, staying strong is just as important, too. Here’s some advice on how to build strength, recover well, and keep improving your game.
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